Sep 28, 2018
"Shockwave" Commentary.
Season One of Enterprise ended in a way no other Trek series had
previously done in its first season - with a cliffhanger. In
January, 2002, Rick Berman himself teased that season one's finale
would "most likely" end with said cliffhanger. Many fans include
"Shockwave" as part of their "essential Enterprise", as more than
one running story converge in part one of this two-part
In this episode of Warp Five, hosts Brandon-Shea Mutala and Brandi
Jackola offer their commentary on "Shockwave". They discuss
matriarchal societies, Dominic Keating's best scene ever,
Skullcandy earbuds, bread pudding, defeated Archer, Star Trek:
Technobabble, loving Silik, Galaxy Quest Daniels, and how the
possibility of time travel cannot be proven or disproven.
*Please note that Brandon's recording has some small glitches.
Intro (00:00:00)
Welcome, Boomers! (00:01:29)
Feedback (00:04:12)
Commentary Start (00:17:07)
Closing (01:05:19)
Brandon-Shea Mutala, Brandi Jackola
Brandon-Shea Mutala (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones
(Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp
(Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Floyd
Dorsey (Associate Producer) Mike Morrison (Associate Producer) Tim
Cooper (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate Producer) Mark
Flessa (Associate Producer) Chris Tribuzio (Associate Producer) Jim
McMahon (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)
Tony Robinson (Show Art) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)