Oct 11, 2019
First Time Star Trek: Enterprise Viewer: Season 3.
Most Star Trek fans have watched the episodes multiple times, and after more than fifty years of broadcasting, we are surprised when we meet someone that hasn't watched some of the episodes, or even hasn't watched any episodes in a series at all. Kerry Purvis has been...
Sep 13, 2019
Season Four Retrospective Part 7.
An overarching theme for season four of Star Trek: Enterprise was
the planting of the seeds of the Federation. The 22nd century
showed us a quadrant of space in turmoil with alien races at each
others throats, and a separatist movement within humans that
believe they should keep all...
Aug 18, 2019
Season 4 Retrospective Part 6.
One of the many reasons to create a prequel story is to explain
perceived inconsistencies in stories. Season four of Star Trek:
Enterprise attempts to answer many question fans of Star Trek may
have, including why Klingons have forehead ridges before and after
The Original Series....
Jul 5, 2019
Essential Star Trek: Enterprise Season Four.
In every season of every Star Trek show, there are some episodes
that stand out more than others — but which ones are essential to
their respective shows as a whole? We continue our four-part series
where we look at each episode of each season and determine if they
May 10, 2019
Essential Star Trek: Enterprise Season 3.
In every season of every Star Trek show, there are some episodes
that stand out more than others — but which ones are essential to
their respective shows as a whole? We continue our four-part series
where we look at each episode of each season and determine if they